Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hermeneutics Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hermeneutics Paper - Essay Example When Jesus introduces the New Covenant in the New Testament teachings, some aspects of the Torah as modified with so that grace and mercy are introduced as additional pillars to the law. Justification by law is transformed to justification by faith. The author of the Torah, of which Deuteronomy 6: 1-9 is a part, is usually taken to be Moses. Moses was the prophet that led God’s people, Israel, out of bondage in Egypt. Moses was born at a time when a decree had been issued by Pharaoh of Egypt that all males children born of Israelites to be killed. For this reason, he was hidden in a basket and left afloat on River Nile. The Kings daughter found him and adopted him as her son. However, when he grew up and he realized that he was a Hebrew, he got concerned with the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt. One day he killed an Egyptian and fled to Median when it became apparent. While tending to Jethro’s sheep, God appeared to him and sent him to liberate His people from Egypt. That marked his journey as the Lord’s servant. The author wrote this text (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9) as part of the decrees the Lord wanted His chosen people to follow. He wrote this text because he was instructed to do so by the Lord God Almighty. The themes of the book include, obedience, true worship, trust in the Lord, keeping oaths, consecration and blessings. The book is believed to have been written around 1406 BC. During this time, the Israelites were preparing to enter the promised land. The passage (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9) fits into the overall purpose of the author which was to guide the people of Israel on how to live in a Godly way, as it gives guidelines on how to serve the Lord God. It outlines in details how the Israelites were to show that they respected and loved their one and only God, Yahweh. The immediate context was the issuing of the Ten Commandments. Therefore, this passage fits into the immediate context by amplifying

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