Saturday, September 7, 2019

Climate Change Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Climate Change - Term Paper Example For example, if major actors in the world’s politics, such as President Bush for instance, are asked about the biggest threat in the world, he may have a list of threats that do not include the dilemma of climate change. The long list of possible threats may include terrorism, security in Iraq, and the extremism of Iran. While all these concerns may be important issues to deal with, the problem of climate change should be given equal, or perhaps more, attention from all countries of the world due to its possible global effects. In that sense, Blair’s argument about the seriousness of the climate change issue is not far-fetched. Rather, his claim that global warming and climate changes should be two of our major concerns in the whole world is reasonable and valid. Actually, Blair’s concerns, which were echoed by the United Nations, about the security threat of climate change are justifiable due to the dangerous effects of global warming on health, economy, and the environment. In recent years, the world’s average temperatures are rising, constituting a serious problem, referred to as ‘global warming.’ This phenomenon occurs as a result of the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) on high levels of air. To put it in simple words, the more amounts of Carbon dioxide concentrated in the atmosphere, the higher the world temperatures will grow. Carbon dioxide is one of the main elements in the greenhouse gases that should be reduced in order to keep world temperatures from rising (Houghton). The main source of Carbon dioxide is man’s industrial activities, especially in rich industrialized countries. As made clear by many scientists, â€Å"carbon dioxide (CO2) gas generated by man's burning of fossil fuels and the forests is responsible for about half the greenhouse gas warming† (â€Å"The Effects of Global Warming.†). Thus, the indirect effect of the increasing industrialization trends in the world is the global rise in the temperature levels. This puts much of the responsibility on industrialized nations in trying to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the change in the climate is not too slight to realize; rather, it can be felt by ordinary people, not only by specialized scientists and environmentalists. In Egypt, for instance, most people are aware that summer weather has become much hotter than the case tens of years ago. Also, there are the recurrent waves of hot weather that hit Europe, which has never used to such high temperatures before. Consequently, the change in global climate should be the concern of all kinds of people in all countries, not only scientists and those who are specialized in the geography of the world. Climate change can cause major economic problems for countries, which would have to spend huge amounts of money curing its citizens from the detrimental effect of this environmental phenomenon on health. Human bodies are unable to cope with the severe changes in weather temperatures, when they go too high or too low. Hence, human bodies are accustomed to bear temperatures that revolve around the average. So, the rise in the world temperatures has its serious negative impacts on health, causing a series of diseases and side effects. Generally, world statistics prove that â€Å"extremely hot temperatures increase the number of people who die on a given day†

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